
The Russia-Ukraine ConflictThe Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Unsplash/Bill Oxford
Chapter 0


by Dr. Anne Dienelt


Conflict barometer 2022: from political conflict to war, shown in varying color intensity
Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, https://hiik.de/konfliktbarometer/aktuelle-ausgabe/
Conflict barometer 2022: From political conflict to "highly violent conflict", i.e. war, shown in varying color intensity
Despite the prohibition of war by the UN Charter and the so-called prohibition of use of force, war has always been a reality. Some wars receive more attention than others. The Russian war in Ukraine is currently very present in German media, perhaps also due to its geographical and cultural proximity to Germany. There is less coverage of the suffering in Yemen or Sudan. 
However, the legal issues associated with war are often identical: the legal protection of hospitals and schools is an issue in the Ukraine war, just as it is in Gaza. Hunger is used as a weapon by warring parties more often than suspected. And sexual violence is also used by various warring parties.

Student project

Screenshot of the chapter overview
The digital exhibition is the result of international law assessments by 14 students, with illustrations by artist Marlin Beringer. The students' work was inspired by tweets, headlines and other reports, which are integrated into the exhibition. The students examine issues that are sometimes presented in the media in too abbreviated or even false manner. Fake news and alternative facts are also addressed.

The texts in combination with the illustrations explain some legal questions regarding the war. Was Putin allowed to attack Ukraine? Does Germany become a party to the war by supplying weapons to Ukraine? Is Russia allowed to export grain?