
Note on accessibility

This declaration on accessibility applies to Universität Hamburg's web application on the Russia-Ukraine conflict (ruk.uhh.de).
Universität Hamburg is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Our goal is to make this web application accessible in accordance with the Ordinance on the Creation of Barrier-free Information Technology for People with Disabilities (Hamburgische Barrierefreie Informationstechnik-Verordnung HmbBITVO) of September 10, 2019.

Status of compatibility with the requirements

The accessibility requirements result from Section 1 HmbBITVO in conjunction with Sections 3 (1) to (4) and Section 4 of the Federal BITV, which was issued on the basis of Section 11 HmbBGG.
The review of compliance with the requirements is based on a self-assessment dated 24.11.2023. The result of the review showed that the web application on the Russia-Ukraine conflict is only partially accessible. The content is semantically correctly labeled and can be easily perceived and operated by sighted people who navigate with a mouse. However, use with a keyboard and screen reader is only possible to a very limited extent.

Non-accessible content

The use of the app via screen reader and keyboard is only possible to a limited extent in some cases due to the scrollytelling concept used. Some interactive elements cannot be controlled using these. Problems with synchronization between focused and displayed content mean that some non-interactive content is also not (reliably) accessible. 

Feedback and contact details

Have you noticed any serious deficiencies in the accessibility of content on our web application ruk.uhh.de?

Then you are welcome to contact us by post or e-mail:

University of Hamburg
Department of Communication and Marketing
Digital Communication and Design Unit
Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838-2571
E-mail: online-redaktion@uni-hamburg.de

Arbitration procedure

If no satisfactory solution has been found after your feedback to the above-mentioned contact, you can contact the arbitration board in accordance with Section 13 a HmbBGG. The arbitration board has the task of supporting an out-of-court settlement of disputes between people with disabilities and public bodies on the subject of accessibility. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. No legal assistance is required.

Contact details

Schlichtungsstelle HmbBGG
c/o Öffentliche Rechtsauskunft- und Vergleichsstelle (ÖRA)
Dammtorstraße 14
20354 Hamburg
E-mail: schlichtungsstelle-hmbbgg@soziales.hamburg.de
Tel: +49 40 42843-3056

This declaration was created on 30.11.2023.